We are pleased to be invited to speak on some conferences. Here are some of our recent favorites.    

B R A N D  N E W  C O N F E R E N C E 
2016, Amsterdam

The Brand New Conference is a two-day event organized by UnderConsideration, focusing on the practice of corporate and brand identity — a direct extension of the popular blog, Brand New. The conference consists of eight sessions each day offering a broad range of points of view with speakers from around the world practicing in different environments, from global consultancies, to in-house groups, to small firms. The Brand New Conference is organized and hosted by UnderConsideration co-founders Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit.

W E  L O V E  G R A P H I C  D E S I G N  
2018, Copenhagen

We Love Graphic Design is a celebration of the wonderful world of graphic design in the shape of an annual one day seminar in Copenhagen featuring lectures from some of the most important, inspirational and insanely creative graphic designers right now.

B U D A P E S T  D E S I G N  W E E K 
2018, Budapest

Budapest Design Week is the most important design event of the year in Hungary, taking place in more than a 100 locations throughout the city and in many partner cities. 

F I R S T  R O U N D 
2022, BERLIN

A one-day showcase of original presentations made to clients showing initial design explorations for logo, identity, and branding projects. The First Round is organized and hosted by Brand New Conference co-founders Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit.